Swartzlander Tops Modifieds At Lernerville
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Sarver, PA (May 18, 2018) Mother Nature lost another battle at The Action Track on Friday night as rain showers in and around the area failed to wash away any part of the racing program. A racy surface that kept it’s grip throughout four divisions of racing and provided three usable grooves proved to be useful.
Three drivers found Terry Bowser Excavating Victory Lane for the first time in 2018 while Michael Norris managed his second victory of the season in the Precise Racing Products Late Models. In the Diehl Automotive Big Block Modifieds, Brian Swartzlander overcame Garrett Krummert with a turn four slide job and held off a hard charging Rex King Jr for his 94th career victory while Jack Sodeman Jr. took an early lead and worked flawlessly in lapped traffic while holding off an oncoming Brandon Matus for his first win of 2018.
And in the Millerstown Pic-A-Part Pro Stocks, Corey McPherson’s patience and persistence paid off as he took a commanding early lead, survived several restarts and held off an oncoming Ryan Moyer to collect the victory.
(83) Brian Swartzlander
(165) Rex King Jr.
(31) Jim Weller
(29) Garrett Krummert
(61) Dave Murdick
(4J) John Mollick
(45) Steve Feder
(65) Rex King Sr.
(13) Rick Regalski
(29E) Erik Martin
(66F) Kyle Fink
(66) J.R. McGinley
(3K) Shawn Kozar
(18) Colton Walters
(25) Chris Rudolph
(88) Shawn Fleeger
(22) Kevin Long
(123) Michael Norris
(12W) Travis Walsh
(37MD) Jeremiah Shingledecker
(23J) Jack Sodeman Jr.
(13) Brandon Matus
(7K) Dan Shetler
(55) Gary Kriess
(40) George Hobaugh
(C1) Clay Riney
(20B) Cody Bova
(51) Brent Matus
(29) Scott Barris
(2L) Sye Lynch
(4N) Jimmy Morris
(23) Darren Pifer
(27K) Jeremy Kornbau
(91) Sadie Siegel
(1R) Gale Ruth
(4K) Bill Kiley
(00) Alan Free
(2) AJ Flick
(23c) Jerry Hairhoger
(76) Davey Jones
(24) Jeremy Hill
(72) Michael Norris
(75) Colton FLinner
(29) Ken Schaltenbrand
(91T) Tommy Beck
(9) Clayton Kennedy
(10L) Gary Lyle
(411) Bob Moore
(81) Mike Miller
(91) Weston Phillis
(14R) Clay Ruffo
(4T8) John Flinner
(11) Joshua Powell
Millerstown Pic-A-Part DIRTcar/RUSH Pro Stock Main Event (20 Laps)
(C33) Corey McPherson
(13X) Ryan Moyer
(27) Tyler Dietz
(948) Joey Zambotti
(31) Noah Brunell
(32) Mark Sanders
(25) Brett McDonald
(66) Joe Kelley
(30) Bob Egley
(17) Sam Eichelberger
(29B) Scott Byers
(10) John Hartman
(35B) Jacob Dietz
(310) Dale Tuche
(12M) Trevor McCann
(26) Mike Bordt
(22J) Chase Lambert
Diehl Autmotive DIRTcar Big Block Modified Heat 1 (8 Laps)
(165) Rex King Jr.
(29) Garrett Krummert
(31) Jim Weller Jr.
(66F) Kyle Fink
(37MD) Jeremiah Shingledecker
(29E) Erik Martin
(25) Chris Rudolph
(22) Kevin Long
Diehl Automotive DIRTcar Big Block Modified Heat 2 (8 Laps)
(65) Rex King Sr.
(4J) John Mollick
(83) Brian Swartzlander
(123) Michael Norris
(18) Colton Walters
(12W) Travis Walsh
(88) Shawn Fleeger
Diehl Automotive DIRTcar Big Block Modified Heat 3 (8 Laps)
(3K) Shawn Kozar
(13) Rick Regalski
(45) Steve Feder
(61) Dave Murdick
(66) J.R. McGinley
(63) Jessica Kriegisch
(89) Erik Bowser
Diehl Automotive DIRTcar Big Block Modified BMain (8 Laps)
(29E) Erik Martin
(25) Chris Rudolph
(88) Shawn Fleeger
(12W) Travis Walsh
(22) Kevin Long
(89) Erik Bowser
(63) Jessica Kriegisch
Peoples Gas DIRTcar Sprint Heat 1 (8 Laps)
(7K) Dan Shetler
(13) Brandon Matus
(51) Brent Matus
(C1) Clay Riney
(24) Jeremy Hill
(23c) Jerry Hairhoger
(46) Michael Bauer
(76) Davey Jones
Peoples Gas DIRTcar Sprint Heat 2 (8 Laps)
(55) Gary Kriess Jr.
(2) AJ Flick
(40) George Hobaugh
(23) Darren Pifer
(29) Scott Barris
(4K) Bill Kiley
(2L) Sye Lynch
Peoples Gas DIRTcar Sprint Heat 3 (8 Laps)
(23) Jack Sodeman Jr.
(4N) Jimmy Morris
(20B) Cody Bova
(27K) Jeremy Kornbau
(91) Sadie Siegel
(1R) Gale Ruth Jr.
(00) Alan Free
Precise Racing Products DIRTcar Late Model Heat 1 (8 Laps)
(72) Michael Norris
(10L) Gary Lyle
(9) Clayton Kennedy
(14R) Clay Ruffo
(29) Ken Schaltenbrand
(91) Weston Phillis
Precise Racing Products DIRTcar Late Model Heat 2 (8 Laps)
(75) Colton Flinner
(81) Mike Miller
(11) Joshua Powell
(411) Bob Moore- DNF
(4T8) John Flinner- DNF
(91) Tommy Beck- DNF
Millerstown Pic-A-Part DIRTcar/RUSH Pto Stock Heat 1 (8 Laps)
(948) Joey Zambotti
(30) Bob Egley
(13X) Ryan Moyer
(29B) Scott Byers
(32) Mark Sanders
(22J) Chase Lambert
(35B) Jacob Dietz
(12M) Trevor McCann
(17) Sam Eichelberger
Millerstown Pic-A-Part DIRTcar/RUSH Pro Stock Heat 2 (8 Laps)
(C33) Corey McPherson
(27) Tyler Dietz
(66) Joe Kelley
(31) Noah Brunell
(25) Brett McDonald
(10) John Hartman
(26) Mike Bordt
(310) Dale Tuche