BOSS Hits Home Run With New Title Sponsor
2 min read
In the sporting world, auto racing has long been an island unto itself. Somewhat shunned by traditional sports newspapers and columnists, the motorsports world has thrived nonetheless. Short track – dirt track racing has lingered in obscurity to the general public for nearly a full century.
The Buckeye Outlaw Sprint Series burst onto the scene in 2011 in an effort to change the landscape of sprint car racing in the Midwest. In typical BOSS fashion of blazing new trails, the fastest growing sprint car series in the nation is now part of what may be the biggest crossover from the stick and ball sports in the history of dirt track racing.
The Buckeye Outlaw Sprint Series is now proud to announce a marketing partnership with Mo Vaughn Transport in Cleveland, Ohio, which is now the 2015 title sponsor for the tour. Sports fan will recognize Mo Vaughn as a former slugger and first baseman in Major League Baseball who gained stardom as a Boston Red Sox player who became a 3 time All Star and was the 1995 American League Most Valuable Player. Vaughn also spent time with the Anaheim Angles and the New York Mets. Today, Vaughn has many business interests in the Midwest with his transportation company taking center stage with BOSS!
Buckeye Outlaw Sprint Series promoter Aaron Fry was excited on both the professional and personal levels to close this deal saying, “As a lifelong Boston Red Sox fan, it’s neat for me personally to have Mo involved with the series, but it’s intriguing on a professional level because he is genuinely interested in sprint car racing and sincerely looks forward to being involved”. The new marketing agreement will now make the series officially the “Mo Vaughn Transport – Buckeye Outlaw Sprint Series” for the 22 event schedule which begins Saturday, May 9th at Fremont Speedway in Fremont, Ohio and concludes Saturday, October 10th at Eldora Speedway in Rossburg, Ohio.
More than fifteen drivers representing six different states have indicated their intentions to compete full time on the tour that will host events in 4 states. With the addition of Mo Vaughn Transport, teams and fans will see many new improvements with the series including a souvenir trailer and scorecards that will include drivers rosters, news and notes from the series and a chance to win prizes at each racing event!
For more details on the series, please visit and for more information on Mo Vaughn Transport, please visit and be sure to check out their opportunities for driving employment! More exciting details are coming in the next few days, but it’s safe to say that BOSS has knocked it out of the park with Mo Vaughn Transport!